Shipping Policy
Emerson offers free ground shipping for all items. Free delivery is valid on standard ground shipping for U.S. orders with delivery addresses in the 48 continental states only. Addresses in Alaska, Hawaii and Canada will be charged standard shipping rates. Free shipping is not valid for international delivery addresses or Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. territories, P.O. Boxes, and APO/FPO addresses. Offer does not apply to previous orders and is subject to change without notice.
All orders are shipped via ground shipping. Orders will be shipped via major mail carriers, including UPS, FedEx, and the United States Postal Service. Emerson is unable to provide you the option to select your carrier of choice.
How long does is take to ship your order?
Typically, orders are processed within 1-3 business days, then take 3-8 business days to ship to your address. These are estimates only. Actual shipping time frames are determined by the method of shipment, specific carrier, and transit time to your area.
When the order is shipped, you will receive another email containing tracking information and the delivery date. If for any reason an item is out of stock, Emerson will notify you by either email or telephone. You will not be charged for any item that is out of stock. However, note that delivery times can also be subject to external factors as shall be described herein this policy and therefore, cannot be guaranteed. Please make sure to enter your shipping address correctly before you place your order.
Estimated delivery date/Carrier Disclaimer
Although transit time is subject to factors beyond our control, you will usually receive your item within 3 to 8 business days. These are estimates only. Actual shipping time frames are determined by the method of shipment, specific carrier, and transit time to your area. Estimated delivery dates for orders shipped by Emerson are non-binding and time of delivery is not of the essence. This estimated delivery timeframe will be displayed to you at checkout before you complete your order.
Emerson shall not be liable for any delays, loss or damage in transit. Emerson shall not be held responsible for any shipment/package being delayed by the carrier due to adverse weather conditions, uncontrollable circumstances (flight delays, equipment malfunction etc.), or an act of God and will not refund the cost of shipping. Multiple days of delays on shipments can be caused by any of the above-mentioned events regardless of the shipping method selected at the point of checkout.
Shipment reroutes/Lost Shipments/Shipments Returned to Emerson Audio
In the event that an order is placed with incorrect shipping information and requires a change of address, the customer will be charged a reroute fee and any additional shipping charges that may apply to such rerouting. This fee can vary based on your location and how much the shipment needs to travel away from its originally shipped location.
If incorrect shipping information provided by the Customer is the cause of a shipment(s) becoming lost in transit or delivered incorrectly by the carrier, then Emerson shall not be held responsible for any compensation or replacements for the lost or incorrectly delivered shipment.
Tracking your order
You will receive an e-mail notification the day your order has been shipped with a confirmation of shipment and a tracking number. This gives you the ability to always track your order until it reaches your delivery address. Please be advised that depending on your inbox's security settings, Emerson’s confirmation e-mail may be received as SPAM. Check your 'SPAM' or 'Junk' mail inbox periodically.
Questions and Concerns?
Please email us at for any pending questions. Please allow up to 3 business days for order fulfillment plus shipping time and check the email that you placed the online order with for updates on shipping and tracking.